Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A "grand" day!

If you haven't been to the Grand Canyon, you should go. It is awe-inspiring. If you go, I encourage you to go off by yourself at some point (preferably away from the crowds) and just reflect. While I struggle to put the feelings into words, it was like an epiphany without the understanding. I doubt that made sense, so I will encourage you to go and experience it for yourself.

Let me caution you that it is not for the timid. For me, watching parents, climbing over the fences to drag their toddlers to the edge of the precipice to get a snapshot, scared me to death. By the way, I am not in the photo on Frick's last post, where it shows his group being out on the ledge. Sure, you can call me chicken, but there is also a word for those who create unnecessary risks for themselves. A healthy fear of falling off a cliff is not a bad thing. By the way, an average of 3 persons a year die falling into the Grand Canyon. I will not be one of them. Besides, if I got that close to the edge, it would give Frick a chance to push me off the cliff. Further unnecessary risk.

Finally, a note on our "technological" society:  As our group sat down to dinner at the Angel Bright Lodge Restaurant, everyone immediately pulled out their cell phones. I had to take a picture with my phone. As teachers, we often complain about how our students ("the younger generation") are addicted to their devices, but perhaps we should take a look in the mirror. As George Bernard Shaw once wrote, "If you must hold yourself up to your children as an object lesson . . . hold yourself up as an example and not as a warning."

Quo Vadimus

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